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Jim Waldsmith

6031 Blendon Chase Dr.

Westerville, Ohio 43081-8663


+1 614/895.8006


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Writing Services

Marketing is telling a good story.  We work with company founders, CEOs and motivational speakers to help them write books, magazines, brochures, speeches and presentations that inspire others, build teams, and shape opinions.

Association and corporate executives depend on Jim to help them craft keynotes and CEO addresses.  Learn more about our speech-writing services.

Motivational speakers turn to Jim to assist in writing books to market at their engagements and online.  By authoring a book, you reach potential clients and establish yourself as an authority in your chosen field.

By authoring books of their own, company founders and CEOs attract positive publicity in the news media leading to appearances on local and national television. A book generates the kind of "buzz" that results in increased sales and overall company growth.  







Read a sample of Jim's acclaimed book for independent direct sales distributors.

Make it a Winning Day (Book).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [543.5 KB]